Teaching Your Daughter Responsibility By Giving Her Pearl Jewelry

Pearl Jewelry

Teaching our children how to be responsible is one of the most important lessons we can impart as parents. We can do this by setting limits, saying “no”, establishing and enforcing rules, and more. Teaching responsibility is not a one-and-done lesson. Instead, it’s something you’ll need to reinforce over the years, since your child will continue to take on responsibility as he or she grows and matures into a young adult and beyond.

Did you know that kids are more likely to learn a lesson like responsibility if they’re having fun and enjoying the process? According to research recently published in the journal PLOS One, children “need to be allowed to be active and encouraged to learn by doing” (Source: https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2019-09-20/make-learning-fun-and-kids-learn-more0P). How can you make teaching responsibility more fun and memorable? Start by entrusting your child with something valuable. If you have a daughter, give her a piece of jewelry. A special treasure for most little girls, jewelry is fun and playful, and it will make your daughter feel more like a grown-up.

Choosing when to give your daughter her first piece of jewelry is a personal decision that only a parent can make, but experts recommend giving such a meaningful and precious gift between the ages of 7 and 14, depending on your daughter’s level of maturity.

A custom pearl necklace like one from Add-A-Pearl (https://www.addapearl.com/) makes the ideal first jewelry gift because it can represent a new phase in life: by gifting the jewelry, you’re demonstrating to your daughter that you trust her to care for a valuable item. In addition, the necklace will provide your daughter with the motivation to be and do her best as she moves through all phases of her life and gains more responsibility. With each special milestone and accomplishment, you can add more pearls to her necklace to celebrate her growth and provide positive reinforcement.

Related: Learn How to Make Your Own Choker Necklace in 3 Easy Steps

When you first give your daughter her new jewelry gift, you’ll want to explain the value of the jewelry, so she understands how meaningful it is. That doesn’t mean you must tell her how much you paid for it. Instead, you can explain how pearls are made and what they signify. Pearls are sourced from some of the most exotic places in the world, from oysters that naturally produce the lustrous spheres. Pearls have a rich history; some of the earliest references to pearls appear in sacred Hindu texts dating from 1,700 B.C. Cultures worldwide have assigned them with special meaning, and some even consider the pearl to be the daughter of the moon.

Finally, giving a meaningful pearl jewelry gift is an excellent talking point for bringing up the topic of responsibility and how your daughter will need to navigate it as she grows and evolves. If she has questions or concerns about responsibility and how she’ll be required to navigate it, then you can address those concerns when you explain how she’ll need to care for her pearls. You can find a comprehensive guide to cleaning and caring for pearls here: https://www.addapearl.com/blog/the-complete-guide-on-how-to-clean-and-care-for-pearls/.

Have you broached the topic of responsibility with your daughter? If so, what are some of your favorite ways to teach responsibility? Let us know in the comments below.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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