Itchy Skin (Pruritus) – Diagnosis and Treatment- Easy Tips

Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is unbearable, irritating, frustrating. It is an exasperating sensation that forces you to scratch your skin. It is also called pruritus. Itchy skin problems can be caused by nerve disorders, pregnancy, allergic reactions, psychiatric issues, internal diseases, irritation and dry skin. It is common in adults. Adults have dry skin problems because of their age. But now a days young generation is also facing itchy skin problems due to irregular diet patterns. Many skin conditions lead to itchy skin problems i.e. eczema (dermatitis), burns, scabies, insect bites, hives, psoriasis and dry skin. It can take shape in reddish, dry, rough, leathery, scaly and bumpy skin. It all depends on the root cause of itchy skin.

People who face severe itchy skin problems can get relief by using self-care tips like taking shower daily and moisturizing skin by using natural cleansers daily. You can also go for medical checkups and tests i.e. blood, liver, thyroid and chest x-rays if you have intense itchy skin problems. Medical treatments for itchy skin conditions include anti-itch medicines, medicated soaps, moist dressings and medicated lotions. You may face itchy skin problems mostly on arms and legs or it can be on your whole body. Sometimes itchy skin problems can be intense and lasts longer. According to NEA (National Eczema Association), people who have bad itchy skin experience might face difficulty in sleeping.

You can easily get relief from severe itchy skin problems by following these easy tips which fortunately works and helps you in getting rid of it.

1. Use Menthol


Menthol is used as imperative oil which is found in mint plants family. Menthol has an intense cooling effect which helps you in reducing redness and overcoming dry skin problems. It helps you in relieving severe itchy conditions. It moisturizes and nourishes your skin and makes your blood circulation better. You can apply menthol oil on the affected itchy skin area thrice in a day. Repeat this procedure till the itchiness ends.

2. Fabric Wrap Therapy

Fabric wrap therapy is also known as wet wrap therapy. Wraps are made up of surgical netting and gauze. You can use fabric wraps on the affected itchy skin area. Dip the fabric wraps in cool water. Apply the water soaked wraps on the itchy areas. Make sure that you only place that wraps gently. Don’t try to rub wraps on the itchy area. Fabric Wrap Therapy will help you in rehydrating your skin. It relieves itchiness. It soothes your skin as well.

3. Ice Pack

Ice Pack

Dermatologists suggest applying cold water, ice packs or wet clothes on infected itchy skin area for 10- to 15 minutes. Cooling itchy skin area helps you in reducing inflammation.

4. Moisturizer


Moisturizers and lotions have a direct cooling effect. Try to take moisturizers and lotions with high oil content. You can apply cooling moisturizers and lotions available in market. You can gently massage on skin with a cooling moisturizer. This will help you in relieving severe itchiness. Make sure that you don’t rub your itchy area. Try to moisturize your skin every night before going to sleep.

5. Oatmeal Powder

Oatmeal powder is also used as an antioxidant which helps in reducing skin infections. It moistures and soothes your skin. You can take bath by adding oatmeal powder directly to bath water. Colloidal oatmeal and oatmeal powder is also available in different creams and lotions available in market. Simply apply a fine layer of cream on the itchy skin. You can take the cream if you don’t want to take oatmeal bath.

6. Baking Soda Bath

Baking Soda

Baking soda helps in removing fungal skin conditions. It also helps in relieving severe itchy conditions. You can take bath by adding baking soda powder directly to bath water. This will soften your skin. It will remove bumpy and scaly skin.

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7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which is used for the treatment of wounds and itchiness as well. If you are facing itchy scalp problems, you can apply apple cider vinegar in the roots of your hair every night. This will help you in relieving itching.

8. Take Bath Daily

Taking Bath

You have to take cold water bath daily for 10 to 15 minutes only. This will relieve itchiness. This will clean your skin from germs. Make sure that you won’t take bath from hot water because it will harm your skin more when you are facing intense itching problems.

9. Loose Fitting Clothes

Try to avoid wearing tight clothes. This will cause intense itching situation. Try to avoid wearing wool and rough stuff clothes. You can wear loose clothes. You can wear lawn and soft fabric clothes.

10. Fragrance Free Lotions

Itchy Skin lotions

Always use fragrance free lotions. This will make your skin soft and moisturized. Don’t try to use lotions that contains chemical because it will harm your skin.

You can try these simple and easy home remedies for itchy skin. If a skin problem lasts more than six to seven weeks then you really need to see a doctor. It can change and affect your life like it can cause depression, sleeplessness and anxiety.

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