13 Home Remedies for Natural Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Fatness is the most common health problem all over the world. Obesity is connected with metabolic syndrome. Weight gain means an increase in body weight due to irregular eating behavior. Weight gain is easier than weight loss. Some medical issues can increase weight i.e. thyroid, diabetes, steroid treatment, irregular periods, exorbitant use of supplements and aging. Don’t worry! If you have put on weight, these perfect home remedies will surely help you achieve your weight loss goal naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can reduce your weight, body fats and decrease your body triglycerides. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. Add one drop of honey in it. Mix it well. Drink it daily thrice in a day for effective weight loss results.

Protein Diet

Protein Diet

Protein rich diet reduces weight quickly. It burns more calories and promotes weight loss. Protein diet includes more intake of proteins and less carbohydrates. Protein diet products are fish, beans, legumes, chicken, vegetables etc.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea contains caffeine that reduces weight. It helps in reducing belly fat and boost metabolism. Add one teaspoon of green tea in one cup of hot water. Add one drop of honey. Mix it well. Drink green tea thrice a day after every meal for effective weight loss results.



Lemon is used as low calorie replacement for increase weight. It is quick, tasty and easy to make. Squeeze one lemon in one glass of water. Mix it well. Drink it twice in a day for effective weight loss results.



You can take healthy snacks in your diet daily. Eating few nuts will reduce your weight and belly fat. A snack includes nuts, yogurt, whole fruit, boiled egg and carrot.

Bakery Items

Bakery Items

You need to avoid sweets and intake of sugar. You have to avoid bakery items because they contain carbohydrates and are rich in fats. Lower intake of sugar increases weight loss.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits contain nutrients, fiber and water. Fruits and Vegetables are healthy and help in reducing weight. Vegetables are low in calories. Add salads in your diet rather than mutton etc.



Ginger reduces weight. You can drink ginger tea to promote weight loss. Add one tablespoon of grated ginger, one teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water. Mix it well. Drink ginger tea two times a day. You can also drink grated ginger juice once in a day for quick weight loss.

Olive oil (first virgin)

Olive oil

It burns belly fats and reduces weight. It is very healthy for skin and diet. You can take onetablespoon of olive oil daily in the morning. You can reduce up to five to six pounds in a month.



Fat free yogurt reduces weight. It is good for skin as well. Take one bowl of yogurt and add one tablespoon of black pepper in it. Mix it well. Eat it twice in a day as a meal for Weight Loss.

Egg whites

Egg whites

Egg whites contain proteins and are low in calorie, fat and cholesterol. You can eat two to three egg whites daily. It promotes weight loss. You can reduce up to six pounds in two to three weeks.


Fiber foods

More intake of fiber also helps to lose weight. It reduces belly fat. It is amazing appetite suppressant. Try to intake more rich fiber foods for better results in weight loss.



Walk is the best way to reduce belly fat. It reduces your weight and makes your body healthy. Try to walk for an hour daily in the morning for better weight loss results.
These natural home remedies fortunately worked for me and made me a smart, healthy and fit person.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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