How to Make Oreo Ice-Cream & Chocolate Shake- Recipe Video

How to Make Oreo Ice-cream & Chocolate Shake- Recipe Video

Oreo death by chocolate shake is especially for chocolate lovers. A super Oreo milkshake is made with Oreo biscuits, chocolate, oreo or vanilla ice-cream, milk, coffee and chocolate syrup. You can make this shake on weekends for your family. This shake can be served to 3-4 people.

Ingredients for Chocolate Syrup

  • Coco Powder half cup
  • One pinch of salt
  • ¾ cup of sugar
  • ¾ cup of water
  • One pinch of coffee

Chocolate SyrupSource

Preparation for Chocolate Syrup

Take a non stick pan and put it on a low flame. Add coco powder, salt, coffee, sugar in it. Mix it with a spoon. Add water slowly and mix it continuously. Remove it from the flame when it’s in thick form.

Ingredients for Oreo Shake

  • 10-12 Oreo biscuits
  • 3 scoops of Oreo or vanilla ice-cream
  • One pinch of coffee
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of Chocolate Syrup

Oreo Shake


Preparation of Oreo Shake

Break the Oreo biscuits in small pieces. Add all the ingredients in a blender. Blend it well.

Ingredients for Final Representation

  • 4 -8 tablespoons of chocolate syrup.
  • 2 scoops of Vanilla ice-cream
  • Oreo biscuits powder

Final Look Presentation

Oreo Ice-cream & Chocolate Shake

Take a vine glass. Add one tablespoon of chocolate syrup. Mix the chocolate syrup in a glass with a spoon. Cover the glass walls with the chocolate syrup. Add one tablespoon of vanilla ice-cream in it. Pour the shake from the blender. Cover the top of glass with half teaspoon of chocolate syrup. Spread crushed Oreo biscuit powder on top. Add straw in a glass.

Voila Oreo Ice-cream & Chocolate Shake is ready to serve.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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