Many studies are published which have proved this fact that women who tend to eat more fast food take a long time to get pregnant and conceive. Those women who will include little portions of fruit in their diet, chances for them to get pregnant will be few. A journal on human reproduction has stated and put forward periodical number of studies and researches regarding the direct relationship between Infertility Issues and fast food.
Importance of Egg Count for your Fertility
Your egg count is very important while conceiving. Those women who will make small and productive modifications in their dietary intake, they are likely to receive more benefits when it comes to conceiving. University of Adelaide post-doctoral research fellow stated that frequent and regular consumption of fast foods eventually delays the process to get pregnant. A further amount of researches are taking place so that possible impact of fast foods can be assessed for pregnancy.
Avoid Having Fried Chicken, Burgers, and Pizzas

The data was examined by Grieger and her fellow colleagues related to the case of fertility. They examined and assessed the data of 5,598 pregnant women and during the visit of their 14th to 16th weeks pregnancy phase, they were asked questions that how much time they took to get pregnant! Those pregnant women had been asked as well that how frequently they added up fruit and green leafy vegetables, fast foods and fried chicken items in their diet. This research concluded this fact that those women who consume the lowest amount of fruits, the risk of infertility increased in them from 8% to 12%. On the other hand, those pregnant women who increased the consumption of fast foods, the chances of infertility increased in them from 8% to 16%. The only weakness of this study and conducted research was that researchers did not collect and gather dietary information and data from the fathers.
Increasing Sperm Motility

A recent review is conducted on the male diet and fertility case. It is indicated by the fertility markers that highest intake of vegetables and fruits is directly related to increased sperm motility. On the other side, the highest intake and consumption of fat-rich foods as well as sweets is directly proportional to decrease and low semen quality.
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Get a Good Nutrition Plan
There is a need for every married couple to get a good nutrition plan before conceiving. Dr. Jennifer Wu. who is an obstetrician-gynecologist, she highlighted the need for balanced and good nutrition prior to conceiving. It is true that those women who come in the overweight and obese category, they normally have irregular cycles and face infertility issues. Such women usually take a long time to conceive. It is highly warned by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that women should not gain weight during pregnancy and it is recommended to get a healthy diet before and after pregnancy time. It is often speculated that eating fresh fruits will always be counted as the better measure and mark of good nutrition.
Get Into Good Eating Habits
You should get into good eating habits before conceiving. These are true findings that ditching fast food will boost your fertility. The consumption of healthy diet will always remain important for the women who want to conceive. To spice up any lady’s fertility case, ditching and staying away from quick and fast food meals is important for all those ladies.
Direct Relationship Between Fast Food and Infertility
Jessica Grieger has once again stated and researched that the frequent consumption of quick meals always delays the time to get pregnant. If one will switch to a healthy eating regimen routine, then chances for those ladies to conceive will be increased. The danger of infertility will be removed if one will make the lower consumption of fruits and a higher consumption of fast food meals.
Other Suggested Tips to Increase Fertility
• Though it is important to adopt a healthy and balanced eating regimen routine. But you have to look into other elements as well so that possibility to get pregnant can become more positive. You should neither be too skinny nor too obese. Both of these factors influence fertility.
• If you are underweight then you will likely to have irregular intervals. Skinny ladies have a low range of hormone leptin and this factor eventually affect their ovulation phase. On the other hand, overweight ladies overproduce estrogen, insulin as well as androgens. This overproduction stops the ovaries to release eggs.
• It is not only girls who should be concerned about their weight factors and overall well being. A research was conducted in 2017 that stated this fact that overweight couples also tend to take a long time to conceive.
• You should try to engage yourself in some vigorous exercise sessions so that chances of ovulatory infertility can be decreased.
Other Proven Studies About Fast Food and Infertility Relation
Below are some proven studies which verify this fact that stronger diet plan is directly linked to fertility and fast food consumption is directly linked to infertility.
• A research fellow at Robinson research Institute at the University of Adelaide, he stated that lowest fruit intake increases the risk of infertility. Robert put forward this research as well that those women who will eat more than five servings of fast food in every single week, the risk for them to become infertile will be increased.
• More fresh fruits and vegetables you will take, sooner you will get pregnant. Those women will get pregnant sooner who are going to eat fruits for at least three to four times in a day. The takeaway message which the readers can get from this study is that one should switch to a healthier diet plan.
• The lowest intake of fruits and the extreme intake of fast food items during the preconception is directly associated with TTP longer time to pregnancy.
• These fast foods contain the highest amounts of saturated fats and sodium and also sometimes sugar as stated by the lead study author, Jessica Grieger of the Robinson Research Institute and the University of Adelaide in Australia.
• It is true that the relationship between dietary components and fertility is not specifically studied so far in the case of human pregnancies. But it is also true that the higher amounts of saturated fatty acids present in oocytes of women have a toxic and negative effect on the ovaries. Researchers have believed that fast food is one of the factors which mediate infertility through altering ovarian functioning.
• The risk of infertility was about 12 percent for those women who have the lowest fruit intake. On the other side, the risk of infertility was about 8 percent for those women who have highest fruit consumption.
A lot of other maternal lifestyle factors are too associated with infertility. Factors like smoking, alcohol drinking, obesity halt fertility phase as well. The current studies proved that the strong diet can help women in conceiving. The preconception intake of fruits increases fertility. A clear amount of data has been collected which support this fact and advice the women to have the greater intake of fresh fruits and also lower intake of fast food items.