5 Ideas for a Family Valentine’s Day Celebration

Family Valentine's Day Celebration

What do you love most about Valentine’s Day? Is it the delicious chocolate, your favorite candy bar, or the romantic message cards and flowers? Well, if you answered yes to any of these things, then I have some good news for you. You can enjoy all of these things with your family this year during Valentine’s Day. Whether you plan on staying in or going out, there are fun activities to enjoy with your loved ones from morning until night on February 14th. Here are 5 ideas for a family Valentine’s Day celebration.

Have a Valentine’s Day Breakfast

Have breakfast with your kids on Valentine’s Day. Get out their best tablecloths, use cute little heart-shaped plates, and set up a cozy nook with streamers and lots of hearts. Have the family dress up in cute Valentine’s Day pajamas the night before so you can wear them to breakfast and give each other handmade cards to read aloud while you wait for breakfast to finish cooking. Top off your meal with some red velvet pancakes – they’re delicious, super fun to make together as a family, and set up some of the kid’s favorite toppings so that they can decorate their pancakes however they want. If you’re worried about leaving baby out of the festivities, wear one of your Ergobaby carriers to keep your baby close by. Even if they’re too small to participate at least they’ll feel a part of it.

Have an Ice Cream Party

Have everyone request their favorite flavor of ice cream. Then get creative with ingredients, toppings, and add-ons like brownies or nuts. Alternatively, ask everyone to suggest some sort of card game or craft project that can be played/worked on together. Make a DIY photo album: Use items you have around your house (like old magazines, ribbons, glue sticks) to create an album filled with photos from each family member’s year. If you don’t have time to make one from scratch, there are plenty of premade scrapbook kits available at most craft stores or online—they usually only take about 30 minutes to put together and will become your family’s keepsake treasure for years to come!

Have a Family Game Night

While it’s important to teach your kids about love and relationships, it’s also important that they know what it means to have fun. Creating special memories with your family is one of life’s greatest joys, so make sure you get together regularly. One great way to do that is by having game night as a family. Whether you choose board games or video games, there are plenty of ways to turn game night into family bonding time. And don’t forget the PS5 controller grips! If you’re planning on spending quite some time, you’ll want to make sure you’re playing comfortably. Be sure to have enough snacks! Each activity has its own special way of bringing loved ones together and creating new traditions that can last generations!

Handmade Family Gift Exchange

For families with young children, do something that brings everyone together in fun. One of our favorite family activities is a handmade gift exchange on Valentine’s Day. It can be as simple as grabbing some paper and crayons and having each person draw their favorite memory they have of their partner, or finding some time to whip up something special. And don’t forget to take pictures along the way so you have even more memories after Valentine’s Day ends!

Have a Movie Night With a Dessert Bar

This is such an easy and cost-effective way to plan a date night with your spouse and kids. Pick out your favorite family-friendly movies, order some gourmet chocolate-covered strawberries, some cookies, make some popcorn, lay out some candy, and some soda pop with flavorings and enjoy! The only hard part will be picking a movie everyone can agree on. If it gets too hard to decide, have everyone write down their movie of choice on a piece of paper and have a drawing to see which one wins. As a parenting hack, be sure to dress the kiddos in their Presley Couture jammies and brush their teeth early enough in case they fall asleep.

When it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day, there’s one thing we can agree on: if you don’t have family and significant others nearby, it’s not easy to enjoy. But when you do have family members with whom you are close, how many of us take advantage of that opportunity? We certainly hope that every single one of our readers has a full-family celebration planned for Valentine’s Day.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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