Your Child’s Safety In and Around the Home

Child's Safety

One of the most important things that a parent can do to ensure their child’s safety is to take steps in and around the home. Whether you have toddlers or preschoolers, there are many ways that parents can make sure their children are always safe while they’re at home. Here are some great strategies for keeping your kids safe and sound while they’re playing in and outside of the house.

1. Keep All Sharp Objects Out of Reach

Knives, scissors, and other sharp objects should be stored in a cabinet or drawer that is out of your child’s reach. Some children are tempted to play with knives and scissors, even when they are placed in a higher location. If necessary, attach knobs or handles of sharp objects so that your child can’t grab them without help from an adult. Pens and pencils should also be kept out of reach unless they have been put into safe holders specifically designed for young kids.

If you don’t want to keep dangerous items locked away all the time, then you must teach your children about using these tools properly before allowing them near anything sharp. When kids understand why certain things aren’t appropriate toys at home, they will be less inclined to touch anything they shouldn’t while parents aren’t looking.

2. Should Keep Electrical Cords Out of Reach

Children love to stick things in their mouths, and electrical cords are an enticing item. While you can’t stop your child from ultimately putting objects into their mouth, parents must take precautions with the items in the home. Electrical plugs should be covered if they’re not being used. This will keep them out of reach for curious little hands who might go fishing around on a whim.

3. Staircases Are Blocked Off With Gates

Any open staircase must be blocked off with gates. This includes both indoor and outdoor staircases. Children under the age of three should not use any stairs at all, unless they are being supervised. If you have a staircase that has no gates blocking it off from the rest of your house, install one as soon as possible so that your little ones stay safe and sound throughout their childhood.

Barn door hardware is a great way to keep kids out of off-limits spaces without having to install baby gates everywhere. Install barn doors for the areas that you have in your home that you want to block off. This is also a great idea when you want to keep pets out of certain areas in your home.

4. Carbon Dioxide, Fire, and Flood Warning System

One of the most important safety tips for parents is to have a carbon dioxide, fire, and flood warning system in their home. Many homes now come standard with these features, but if your home doesn’t have them, be sure to ask your landlord about adding them.

These systems can help keep you and your family safe in the event of an emergency. Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur when there’s an excess amount of carbon dioxide in the air, so you must be able to detect this gas quickly. A fire alarm will notify you if there is a fire in your home, and a flood alarm will let you know if water has started to seep into any part of your house.

5. Attach Furniture to the Wall

Furniture that can fall over easily should be attached to the wall for added child safety. This includes heavy dressers, shelves, and televisions. Use brackets or anchors when attaching furniture to a wall so that it doesn’t tip over if your children brush up against it while playing with toys in their room.

6. Use Window Guards and Doorknob Covers

Use window guards and doorknob covers to prevent your child from opening windows and doors that could lead outside. Falls are one of the leading causes of injury for children, so it’s essential to take all the necessary precautions to avoid them.

Window guards can be installed on any window in your home, no matter how high up they are. Use them if you have a second story in your house and don’t want your child climbing out of a window. Doorknob covers can also help keep kids inside by preventing them from opening the door if they’re curious about what’s going on outside.

Every parent wants their child to be safe while playing indoors and out of the home, but accidents can still happen even with careful steps taken by parents. However, if you take precautions like these above, there is no reason that children should get hurt during playtime inside or outside the house.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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