Who You Should Notify About Your Move and Why?


First of all, congratulations on moving your home, but as you know moving is not a simple task, therefore, it is easier to forget about a few important while doing all other moving-related jobs. But forgetting about the jolliest part of relocation which is documentation and address updates could make you regret it later. No matter how important the other tasks of the moving process are but is essential to update the address at certain places when moving out of state if you don’t want to miss any important documents or emails. If you want to know that where you should update about your new address at first then check out this list.

Plan everything before you start

If you don’t plan things well then it could create more hassle later. Plan each and everything to make the entire moving process easy and smooth.

The post office should be on the top of the list

Heavy could be the heart when you are moving to a new place but this does not mean you miss the important things to do. Regardless of the reason why you are moving, it is essential to update your address at the post office to not miss any essential documents. You can easily change it online or can call the nearby post office.

What about the bank?

Make sure you inform about the address change to banks and all the financial institutions of yours. It is not a complex task to do. Just update the mailing code at certain places like banks, credit card issuer, loan provider, and all other institutions related to the finances. If you don’t want to miss any update regarding your financial situation then it is essential else you might have to regret your decision later.

Phone, internet, gas, water, and other utilities

It is important to inform you about the closing of all the utilities before you shift to a new home else you might need to pay for these. Depending on the sort of utilities present at your home, it is important to change the address as soon as possible.

Update at the educational institutions

If you have children at your home then before you go to your new home, you should notice the school about your move. As you know that the educational institutes like schools and universities should know your address so that they can send the educational documents to the right place.


When you are changing your home, it means you also require a new doctor at the new location. That is why you should tell your present doctor about your move so the one can forward your medical information to the new doctor at the new place. For any doctor, it is very important to understand the history of a patient to treat well or to know the upcoming emergencies. As you know health should always be your primary concern so no matter how important the other tasks are, you should not forget about this.

Inform gym, club, newspaper or so on

When it is a long-distance move then there is a need to unsubscribe from the gym membership, club membership, magazine, newspaper, and so on. That is why, to save yourself from paying the cost of membership and facility for an additional month, you should tell them about the move before the notice period. This is only the way to save yourself from any additional costs.

Important relatives and other near and dear ones

If it is an urgent move and your near and dear ones are unaware of it then while doing the hectic tasks of moving, you should not forget to make a call to them to tell them about this. Life is very uncertain and no one knows when an emergency could occur in life therefore your friends, family members, relatives, and other near and dear ones should know about your new address.

Internal revenue service

At any time, the internal revenue service can send any documents which contain any sensitive or important information. If you don’t want the sensitive information to go into the wrong hands then change the address either online or offline. Also, remember that the process could take one month or two therefore apply for address updation at least one month before the moving day.


Your employer should know the new address so if there is an important document regarding your career, payroll check, and others, you can receive it at the right address. In your office, it is important to have the updated contact details all the time so as not to miss any important thing.


Moving is quite a complex event of life which brings a lot of tasks to do and see. It requires a lot of hard work and planning. Plan well for everything like what you should do at what time and while planning doesn’t forget to add the checklist where you should update the address. For help, you should check the above checklist.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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