Introducing the New Birthday Party Ideas for Kids

birthday party ideas

The birthday parties of your kids are the events or occasions every member of the family is always looking forward to. No doubt the children get excited the most, but no less do the elders as well. A birthday party usually appeals to everyone, but if it is based upon some very joyful ideas like fortnite birthday battle party or so, it becomes the love of all the participants for a long time to come. That is why we have also worked out some of the best trending birthday ideas for your kids along with the whole family. Remember the disaster caused by COVID 19, so we are putting forth only the indoor ideas for the kids’ safety. Here we go.

1. Scooby Doo

The ever popular Scooby Doo is once more there with its latest installment launched in May, 2020. This time, it has hit the theatres with SCOOB and has become as popular as to become the most striking theme of almost every birthday party across the globe. Creative printable, homemade “Inspector Kits” and a mystery to be solved are a few lovely attractions it is filled with.

2. Drive-by Birthday Parade

It will be quite right to say that 2020 is the year of drive-by birthday parade. This parade has enough sorts of creative ways that make it special for your birthday kiddo. You should make posters, shoot silly string out the window, play kid-friendly musical tunes, and decorate the sides of the car with balloons and banners. This birthday parade is so exciting as to make your guests drop off a gift as well.

3. Mermaids

Never think that it is over with the mermaids for the birthday parties; they still rule the whole scenario. Equipped with the magical gals, they make for the perfect theme with ethereal décor and food. If you also need some idea, you may head towards pink cake plate for some adorable under-the-sea ideas including the mermaid Muddy Buddies.

4. Volunteer

The best that parents can teach to their kids is to help others voluntarily, and the best way to learn such a fine passion is through fun and frolic as a birthday party. While doing so, your focus will not be on the birthday boy or girl. Rather, you will also be looking at some other party themes centered round volunteering. No matter how big or small a noble cause may be, the volunteer parties are here for 2020.

5. Space themed parties

It makes no difference what the age of your child is, 2020 is the year to celebrate parties that fall into out-of-this-world category. Just go for galactic décor, space-themed activities, and cosmic cookies and cake to celebrate the big day activity.

6. Movie night party

Movie night party

This is one of the best party themes that are always loved by kids of almost every age. You may set up indoor or outdoor, if feasible, and pick a classic movie for the kids from the best picks of this category. You should set out popcorn, blankets and forts, and you may print out tickets as well. The better the atmosphere you create for the movie night, the more the guests will enjoy themselves.

7. Camp out birthday

A very delightful theme might also be there if you plan the birthday party of your kid as a camp-out-birthday. Some of your guests will go wild with excitement on hearing about this bombastic idea. A very hot and spicy bar-b-q and chilled cold drinks will definitely enhance the charms and make it an ever memorable event.

8. Bubbles and brunch

Let aside the regular common bubbles, a birthday party with kid-favorite bubbles and brunch items is a heart winning combo. Serve the egg muffins, scones, fruit and other nibbly goodies and watch the glow on the faces of the kids for sure. They will certainly go wild with a wand or two. Setting up a bubble lab with wonderful experiments is a fantastic idea if you have got a bit older kids.

9. Charming forests

There are always so many fans of fairy tales that take place in enchanted forests and if you manage a birthday party with a charming and enchanted forest built on your own, it will really be a most thrilling theme or trend for many years to come. Kids may walk through the forest for fun and pleasure and build long lasting memories with their friends and cousins.

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