6 Ways to Produce Income as a Stay at Home Mom

Stay at Home Mom

As a stay at home mom, you have such a special and incredibly important job. Nurturing and raising tomorrow’s leaders is no easy feat. Many statisticians have tried to figure out the estimated salary for any stay-at-home. The total easily equated to six figures. While it may be an incredibly rewarding job, it doesn’t pay the bills. Thankfully, there are lots of ways stay-at-home moms can take care of the little ones and still earn a good income.

Incredible Ideas to Generate Income as a Stay at Home Mom

1. Babysitting

Since you’re already at home with your little ones, why not introduce a few more and get paid for it. To build up a clientele, start with your friends and other family members. Most people are more comfortable knowing that their babies are with people they trust. Find a price that works well for you and offer your childcare services. One or two children can easily equate to at least an extra $1,000 in your bank account each month.

2. Baking/Cooking

If you make really delicious homemade cookies, cakes and other baked goods, consider selling them. You can bake the goods in your kitchen while the children are down for naps or at nighttime when they’re asleep. Fill orders as they come in. Use word-of-mouth marketing along with social media to advertise. It is surprising how many cookies, cakes and other baked goods you can make with the right kitchenaid attachments.

3. Blogging

There are so many bloggers in the blogosphere. Furthermore, there are tons of mommy bloggers as well. If you enjoy learning and sharing more about motherhood, consider starting a blog. You can either sell ad space or create sponsored posts for companies. As you remain consistent with your editorial content and create quality posts, you’ll be able to build a following and earn an income from it.

4. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing will always be a great way to earn money. If you have great writing skills, it’s a good idea to start an account on sites like Upwork.com and Freelancer.com. It’s also a good idea to sign up for freelance writing newsletters so you can stay aware of job listings. With freelance writing, it’s so important to pitch consistently. As you continue to earn jobs and make clients happy, you’ll be able to earn a solid income from repeat clients and those who give you great ratings.

5. Photography

If you have a great eye, consider picking up a camera and starting a photography business. Photography is very lucrative. Many people will pay very well for photo shoots. Schedule your photo shoots on the weekends. A shoot doesn’t have to take longer than a few hours. After you’ve gained a level of experience, you can easily charge $250 to $500 per shoot. If you book a few of these every month, you’ll be able to have a great amount of change in your pocket. When you’re consistently making this type of money, you won’t have to be in the position where you’re scraping for cash. If you needed a new car to take the kids around in, you wouldn’t need to apply for car title loans with high-interest rates since you have a consistent income source.

6. Direct Sales Companies

Many stay-at-home moms love the idea of connecting with other stay-at-home mothers. Thankfully, there’s a great way to do that and still earn money. Consider starting your own direct sales business in conjunction with companies like It Works, Mary Kay or Lula Roe. Most women love shopping and hanging out together. Whether you choose a weeknight or a time during the weekend, host a sales party at your home. The more you host and sell, the more you’ll make.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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