Is Your Child Ready for Childcare?

Childcare tips

For some parents whether to put their child into childcare or not isn’t a choice. If going back to work is necessary for your family then childcare might be the only option there is. However, a stay-at-home parent may feel that childcare would be a benefit to their child. In fact, studies have found that children who attend high-quality childcare are more likely to have a good academic future. The question is, how do you know if your child is ready for childcare?


All children are unique and develop differently, but there are some attributes that make the transition from home to childcare easier. If your child is showing interest in music and books, exploring their surroundings, and curiosity has them asking why, then childcare will help them to expand their knowledge and skills. The ability to follow simple directions and to sit still for an amount of time are assets for childcare. As is the ability to communicate their needs efficiently enough to be understood by someone new. Depending on the provider you choose, being toilet trained may be a necessity. Any developmental delays could leave your child feeling frustrated and alone. So, if you have any concerns, it is best to speak to the educators and a plan can be formed to help your child’s progress. Providing a routine at home can help them get used to structure.


It is natural for your child to cry in the first few weeks of starting childcare. Getting them used to being away from their parent for an amount of time will lessen the fear of being left behind. They will understand that you are not leaving them forever and will return to collect them. The more independent your child is the easier they will find the separation from you. As the biggest influence in your child’s life your emotions will impact on your child. So, if you are sad and emotional it is likely your child will be too. On the flipside, if you show confidence and build a rapport with the educators then your child will feel more confident themselves.


Different childcares offer a diverse range of extras as well as having their own expectations of the children in their care. Some may offer meals or nappies, others may insist your child is toilet trained. They might have naptime scheduled into the daily program, some may be more flexible with attendance. So, choosing the childcare provider that fits you and your child’s needs is imperative. To make your childcare research easier you can go to search websites and you can find Brookvale childcare services.

Before starting your toddler in childcare, you can help to make them more comfortable with their new surroundings and the structure by preparing them. Allow them to spend more time away from you, become more independent, and set routines for them to follow. Then, you can make sure your child is ready for childcare.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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