5 Common Newborn Problems Every Parent Must Know!

Common Newborn Problems

The first few weeks of motherhood are really full of anxiety. Newborn babies are so tiny and helpless that to get worried about them is necessary. Newborn babies are so much sensitive and their immune systems are in the developing phase so even a tiny problem cannot be ignored. Even a minor illness at this stage can lead to a serious problems in the future. It is really important to understand all things that can lead your baby to a problem. Here we have compiled a list of some common newborn problems that you should be aware of.

Birth Injuries

Baby Birth Injuries

A difficult labor can lead your newborn baby to birth injuries, but you don’t have to worry much, because most of the babies recover from these injuries quickly. Some of the expected birth injuries include muscle weakness, broken collarbone, and forceps marks, etc. Overall, most of the birth injuries are not that much serious, but still, you should be aware of them.

Related Article: How to Bathe a Newborn Baby


Baby Coughing

A cough during a feed is normal because sometimes, milk from the breast comes in too fast. But if your newborn has a cough that refuses to go away, consulting a doctor is a better option. A regular cough can indicate many serious issues related to lungs and digestive system.


Among some of the common problems of newborn babies, Jaundice is the most common one. Most of the newborn babies have a high level of bilirubin level at the time of birth because they have immature liver at that time. However, it resolves with the passage of the time, but it can also cause serious issues so consulting a doctor is mandatory.

Bluish Skin

Baby skin problems include bluish skin issues. Most of the babies have bluish hands and feet, but this is not a serious issue. In some cases, newborns can develop blueness around their tongue and mouth while crying. But this blueness goes away with the passage of time. In case your baby does not get back pink skin back, you are requested to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Respiratory Distress

A newborn takes a few hours to learn how to breathe properly, but after he learns it, he should have no more difficulties. Breathing problem is caused because of many issues, if your baby is not breathing properly, try to check and clear his nasal passage. Most of the time, the difficulty in breathing is due to blockage in the nasal passage. Saline drops can be used to treat this problem.


Vomiting is another common problem in newborn babies. Most of the babies spilt up milk after feeding. Vomiting after a feed is somehow normal, but frequent vomiting is not a normal sign and it should be reported to the doctor at the earliest possible time. Also look for the color, if the vomit looks green, it might indicate a possible infection that needs to be treated soon.


Q: Why is my newborn not gaining weight?

A: Weight gain can be influenced by various factors, such as feeding difficulties, inadequate milk supply, or underlying medical conditions. Consult your pediatrician to identify the cause and develop a suitable plan of action.

Q: How can I relieve my newborn’s gas?

A: To relieve gas in your newborn, try gentle tummy massages, bicycle leg movements, or burping after each feeding. Additionally, consider adjusting your diet if you are breastfeeding, as certain foods can contribute to gas.

Q: Is it normal for my newborn to have a stuffy nose?

A: Yes, it’s common for newborns to have a stuffy nose. Their nasal passages are narrow, and they are still learning to breathe properly. You can use a saline nasal spray and a bulb syringe to clear their nose gently.

Q: What should I do if my newborn has a fever?

A: A fever in a newborn is a cause for concern and requires immediate medical attention. Contact your healthcare provider to discuss the symptoms and determine the best course of action.

Q: How often should I bathe my newborn?

A: Until the umbilical cord stump falls off, it’s recommended to give your newborn sponge baths. Afterward, you can gradually transition to regular baths, aiming for two to three times per week.


As a new parent, it’s important to be aware of the common newborn problems you may encounter. By understanding these challenges and knowing how to address them effectively, you can navigate the early stages of parenthood with confidence. Remember, if you have any concerns or questions about your newborn’s health, always consult your healthcare provider for professional guidance.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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