How to Score Cheap Halloween Costumes

Halloween Custome

Your child loves Halloween, but parents often find it hard to spend $50+ on a costume your child will wear for three hours on one day out of the year. This is why many parents try to find the best ways to save money, even on Halloween costumes, regardless of what your child wants to be or how old he or she is. Thankfully, there are a variety of ways you can make your child look great in their Halloween costumes without having to break the bank. Check out these tips below to save money while your child goes trick or treating.

Cheap Halloween Costumes Ideas

Shop Online

The internet gives you an endless array of places that are willing to sell Halloween costumes for a lower price. Instead of sticking to the traditional Halloween stores, you can typically find a website that has everything you need for a low price. Plus, be sure to look for coupon codes using Retail Me Not so you can save even more. After you’ve done a little comparison shopping, you can then decide which website has the costume for the better price.

Shop Early

The best way to save on Halloween costumes is to shop early. Talk with your child in August or September about what he or she wants to be, and then start shopping. Because it’s not technically in season yet, you’ll be able to find deals on these costumes before the prices go up because they’re a hot commodity. Even Target typically offers a Cartwheel promotion on Halloween costumes the first week of October, allowing you to get about 40% off the original costume price.

Use your Village

Instead of paying full price for a costume, why not consider picking something that was already used? Ask friends and family members if they have any costumes they want to get rid of. Some will give these to you for free while others will charge only a small amount. In addition to asking friends and family, visit community-based message boards or sales sites and see if anyone has any costumes they’re looking to sell for a cheap price. You may find some great deals just by taking some old items away from a neighbor.

Check Consignment Shops

If you have a thrift store or consignment shop in your area, consider shopping at these locations. They will have Halloween costumes priced lower than traditional retailers, and you can typically find a variety of options regardless of where you shop. Just keep in mind that the sizing will be difficult to match, so be sure your child has some options as to what they want to be. This will give you a better chance of finding exactly what it is your child will be happy with, and you’ll be happy that you’re not paying full price.

Make your Own

If you truly want to save money on a Halloween costume, then you need to break out those DIY skills and start getting crafty. Using items you have around the house, or being able to make a costume with items you can find at a consignment shop or dollar store can ensure your child looks great while saving you money. What’s even better is that when you opt to make your own Halloween costume, you can rest assured your child will not look like anyone else out there.

See What you Can Reuse

Another way to make your own Halloween costume is to see what you can reuse from years prior. For instance, maybe your child wants to be Superman again, and by simply making some slight alterations, you can reuse that same Halloween costume from last year. If you have a bin of old Halloween costumes, give the bin to your child and see what he or she can come up with. Maybe they want to be a Hula-Dancing Werewolf or a Ninja Princess. Not only does doing this allow you to save money, but it also allows your child to use his or her creativity, so it’s a win-win for everyone.

Cash in Rewards

Finally, the last way to save money on Halloween costumes is to not spend any of your own money. Instead, if you use rewards programs like Swagbucks or Ebates, cash in on these programs for cash or a gift card and use that to purchase the Halloween costume. This way, it’s like getting a brand new costume for free.

Halloween is a fun time for your child, and the costume is what makes it great. Using these tips will ensure your child has the best Halloween costume ever while you can save money.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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