Productivity Tips for Moms

Productivity Tips

Whether you’re a stay at home mom or you work either part or full time outside the home, being a mother to children can feel like more than a 40 hour a week position. As such, it is hard to feel productive or truly get anything on your to-do list done in a typical day. However, if you make a few lifestyle shifts or invest in the right tools, you can make mom life a lot easier and even free up some valuable hours in the day to get some things done just for you. If you’re a mom who feels overwhelmed or in over her head, read on for some great productivity tips.

Make a Detailed Family Calendar and Set Aside Weekend Time to Maintain It

The best way to prepare yourself for the week ahead is to gather everyone’s schedules and integrate them onto one calendar so that you don’t have any surprises when you make your way through the week. Don’t forget about a child’s ballet recital, or a partner’s work dinner, or your own yoga class. Writing all of these things down in a centralized location is key to staying organized and productive.

Buy Yourself Some Time if You Need to and Can

If you are financially able, you can get a major boost in productivity if you can spare some money for a babysitter and get out of the house for a bit to work at a coffee shop or co-working space. While money cannot buy you happiness, it can buy you some time which can help you create happiness for yourself. If you work full time out of the home, it may also behoove you to invest in a nanny or recurring babysitter so that you can work at your office knowing your young children are taken care of.

Invest in the High-Quality Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier

Something small you can do in order to make your life easier and to free up some mental space for getting productive things done is investing in higher-quality tools for your everyday life as a mother. For instance, if you’re the mother to two rambunctious twins, you may want a reliable stroller to keep them safe while you’re walking around. A double stroller is obviously the best option, but you want to make sure you get the best double stroller out there. One with safety features, storage space for your diaper bag, a cup holder, or even a toddler seat addition for your older children can be hard to find in one package. Take a look at “7 Best Double Stroller Travel Systems for Twins in 2020” to read up on the best options for you.

Try Out New Ways to Jumpstart Your Day With Energy

Getting up early can be a great way to harvest some potential productivity time before all your kids wake up. Think of it as your time only for you- get personal tasks done or catch up sleep to help you stay energized for the day ahead. If you’re still feeling sluggish, it may be time to look into some vitamins or supplements to help supercharge your cells and bring you back up to working condition. Recent research suggests that NAD supplements can help increase cell strength and longevity, and increased length of life in mouse studies. Getting some NAD in through supplements that boost your NAD levels may not be the worst idea, especially if you are seeing the effects of aging and looking for a natural way to reverse it.

Carve Out Time Just For You

Make sure in the midst of the craziness that is motherhood, you’re still doing things for you, like doing your makeup every day to make you feel confident and ready. Get yourself some fun new products, like natural magnetic eyelashes that accentuate your gorgeous lashes and create a beautiful frame for your eyes. The best magnetic lashes are made of real lashes and come in different styles so you can find ones that fit your lash line best. Whether it’s a full strip, or you just want lash accents for a natural look, magnetic lashes can make you feel like one hot mama.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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