7 People Who Have a Positive Influence Over Your Child


It’s a lot of work to raise a child. The line, “It takes a village to raise a child” is cliche for a reason. Have you ever stopped to think about who has had the greatest impacts on your child’s life? Or your own life? Here is a list of seven people you might want to thank.

Seven People Who have influence over your Child

1) Teachers

Teachers do so much for children. Who ultimately helps children learn most of their academic knowledge? Their teachers. Teachers spend the bulk of their day working with our children. They patiently teach them the basic knowledge of numbers and letters, and later teach them advanced lessons like physics and history. They teach our children more than just academic knowledge, though. Our kids learn social skills and manners while they are at school and preschool or child care. Your children’s teachers over the years have helped shape the person they are today. Making sure they get off to the best start by finding suitable child care in your area can be tricky but, with a service like Toddle, finding child care in your area is made easier.

2) Doctors

Doctors play an important role at any stage of life. They help bring children into the world and then keep them healthy as they age. Pediatricians help keep our children safe from illnesses by treating sicknesses or administering shots to help prevent diseases. Pediatric dentists, like at Familydentalhealth.com, also help your children. They make sure your children have a healthy mouth, gums, and teeth by helping with oral cleanings, x-rays, fluoride treatments, sealants, and fillings. Any parent who has had to watch their kid suffer from a sickness or bad cavity knows how helpful these doctors are. Although kids may not love going to the doctor or dentist, these health professionals deserve some thanks.

3) Friends

Your friends and your children’s friends have affected the lives of your kids. Their influences, support, and friendship have helped your child find their place in the world. A close friend can help a child feel more brave, social, and welcome at school. These relationships are important to your children.

4) Religious Leaders

If you are a religious person, then the religious leaders in your life are probably important to you and to your children. Religious leaders, teachers, or other congregational members can help shape the moral and religious beliefs that deeply affect one’s thinking and actions.

5) Animals

Though animals aren’t people, I still think they should make this list. Many children easily bond with their childhood pet and could have seen them as a friend and comforter. Animals can affect the way children act and feel, most of the time for the better.

6) Family

Family is an obvious factor in your child’s life. A supportive extended family can offer love and friendship to children. Aunts and uncles can serve as role models for children, and many times close cousins grow to become life-long friends. Families affect our children. We should remember to appreciate what their positive influence can do for our children.

7) Parents

If you are a mom or dad, you know that you have an enormous effect on your children. You are the greatest influence in their life and you should remember to appreciate the hard work that you are doing. Even if you aren’t a parent, remember to thank your own parents. They have made great sacrifices to help raise and shape you into the person who you are today.

It truly takes a village to raise a child.

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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