5 Beauty Tips For Moms With No Time

Mom Beauty Tips

You don’t have time to get ready, and your skin looks dull and lifeless? It’s time for a change! These beauty tips will make you look like the beautiful and special mom you are. Let’s see, mom! Has it ever happened to you that no matter how hard you try to make time to get ready, you just can’t? Of course, you can!

Being a mom is harder than it looks, and if there’s one thing you lack, it’s time. Maybe your baby cried all night, or you had to get up early to take the kids to school. Whatever the reason, your skin can become dry, lifeless, and most likely, you’re tired of looking like this. Worry no more! We bring you five beauty tips that will help you look your best every day in no time and look like you slept well all night, didn’t stay up all night, and have time to get ready.

Drink lots of water

It may sound ridiculous that drinking lots of water is a tip to look your best, but hydrating yourself properly will make a big difference in your appearance. The most important thing is to always have a bottle of water with you so that you can drink it at any time, whether it’s in the car on the way to school, at home feeding the kids, or in the afternoon doing some other activity. You can also get ongoing IV therapy with an in-home provider. This way, you can ensure you get some “you” time and the hydration and vitamins you need to keep your skin healthy.

The point is to stay hydrated all day long. Water has incredible benefits. When you are well hydrated, your skin looks brighter, more alive, and more natural. Your eyes also look brighter. You have more energy and are healthier. Drinking water is a quick and easy way to flush out toxins, hydrate, and even avoid dark circles and puffy eyes.

Take a bath in the evenings

Make the most of your time, and after you’ve put the kids to bed, take a bath. You will have more time to wash your hair, apply conditioner and a bath at night will relax you a lot.

Use dry shampoo

Nothing will be easier if you don’t have time to bathe than using dry shampoo. Besides, who has time to wash your hair, condition it, and dry it? Even if you’ve decided to shower at night, using dry shampoo will make your routine go much faster. Dry shampoo is super easy to use. Apply it to your head and massage it all over your scalp. Then, all you have to do is brush it out, and voila! Instantly clean hair.

Less makeup, focus on the basics:

If you don’t have a chance to apply for TV commercial makeup, don’t worry. According to experts, just define three key points on your face, and you’ll look radiant: eyebrows (be sure to keep them plucked and paint them smooth), cheekbones (either with blush or matte bronzer; a touch of color makes you look awake), and lips (you don’t need a strong lipstick).

Just exfoliate and soften them to bring out their natural color). Don’t forget to curl your lashes if you still have a few minutes.

Get rid of dark circles

Dark circles and puffy eyes are classic for new moms. You were used to sleeping through the night, and now your baby wakes up to eat or cry in the wee hours of the morning. In addition to putting on makeup, a quick and easy way to remove the evidence, and make it look like you slept through the night, is to use green tea bags on your eyes.

Dip the two tea bags in a cup of hot water as if you were going to drink it. After a few minutes, take them out and let them cool down, removing the excess liquid. Close your eyes and place the tea bags over your eyes for a few minutes. The caffeine in the tea will help increase circulation to the area, and the antioxidants will help prevent wrinkles and bring life back to your eyes.

Beauty routine

Keeping up with your morning beauty routine is a challenge. Moisturizing your skin is essential for you to look flawless even without makeup; opt for a nighttime regimen that’s quick and effective. Pick a moisturizer for mature skin as it’s more suitable for your condition. They work great at keeping your skin hydrated while also deliver necessary ingredients for anti-aging. Women’s Concepts got a lovely list with some great products; you better check it out! Besides moisturizer, apply a heavy night cream or a repairing mask that works soothes and moisturizes while you sleep. The beauty routine for busy moms will be explained more below.

Don’t give in to temptation

It’s all too easy to forget about the state of your hair. We know that going through life with thirty colors in your hair is tempting, but the truth is you don’t need a professional hand to update your look.

Every two weeks, you can mix one part deep conditioner or deep mask with three-quarters of hair dye (it can be similar to your current shade or with ashy undertones to counteract the orange or red in blondes and brunettes) and leave it in your hair for at least an hour. In addition to moisturizing from roots to ends, your hair will look shinier and more evenly colored. Try it and let us know!

Basic Routine for Busy Moms

The hours fly by, and time is short. This is the reality for all-terrain moms. That’s why we want to celebrate your day with a practical and super useful gift. Because yes, you are mothers, but you are also women! And you deserve to look radiant and enviable. This is something you will achieve with our new facial routine, a basic guide to take care of your skin in 5 easy, quick and healthy steps!


In the morning, as soon as you wake up, make sure you wash your face with a cleansing gel. This removes any traces of makeup from the previous day and prepares your skin for the marathon day ahead. The effect of freshness and softness on your skin will not take long to be noticed. Remember that skin is very grateful and even more so if you take care of it in the morning.


Let’s say that with good morning cleansing, we have already laid the foundations of our day and our skin; now we need to set up the structure. Look for a toner for daily use, refreshing and alcohol-free to not dry out the skin. We better choose the toner that is not aggressive to the skin. The pore closes quickly and is not so exposed to external agents.


At this point, we are not going to repeat the importance of moisturizing the skin. What we do tell you is that you can now make a mix with two of the basics that we propose to take care of your skin in 5 steps. Choose cream moisturizes and protects the skin against UVA rays, presenting itself as the new weapon against dehydration and solar radiation.


With a climate like ours, the sun greets us in both winter and summer. And it really shows on our skin. The problem is that the mind associates the sun with lying on the beach, back and forth; wrong! Using a bb cream with sun protection, specific moisturizer, or lip balm is essential.

Makeup removal

We all know how bad it is to go to bed with makeup on. Pimples, spots, blackheads? But we must admit that sometimes laziness and tiredness get the better of us, which is why we need makeup removal. Even if you don’t wear makeup, we need to clean the dust on your face after a tiring day. A single product to remove makeup from the face, eyes, and lips with micelles and natural oils. Your salvation to cleanse, moisturize and nourish your skin with little effort, even if you wear waterproof makeup! Glamour got you covered with everything you need to know to remove makeup properly. Take a look!

The takeaway

Beauty routines are the queens that have dethroned expensive beauty treatments. Let us know if you save time, and your skin improves with our routine – we look forward to your feedback!

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I am Lindsay, a Mom to two daughters and one son. My greatest role in life has been a mother. I work quite hard to be the best mother and a good blogger. I love writing about my everyday experiences as mother. My journey can benefit you too. Thanks for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog before you leave and lets connect on social media.


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